Saturday, February 26, 2011

Road walk from 92nd and Wingeier to 32nd and Segwun, Kent County,MI

Starting point at 60th and Segwun

Wingeier farm on Wingeier Road, not to far from Wingeier airfield!

George Krebs farm, Alto Michigan

Looking South on Segwun towards 60th

Looking West down I-94 towards Grand Rapids

Ending point at 36th and Segwun

Lower Michigan Miles 14.6
Total North Country Miles 14.6

Roadwalk to start

Roadwalk back to start

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Short 1.5 Mile Road walk from 100th and Baker to 92nd and Wingeier Rd.

Kent County,MI

7.4 Lower Michigan Miles
7.4 Total North Country Miles

Walk to Start
This walk started at the Johnson Road Kiosk in Middleville State Game area. Followed a gravel road north until it turned into a 2 track. Then continued north on Harris Creek Road to 108th St 2 track.

Beginning of walk at Johnson Road Trail Kiosk, Middleville State Game Area.

Looking North up Johnson Rd.

End of Johnson gravel road an beginning of 2 track.

Creek running under 2 track. Creek was over flowing bridge about shoelace hign.

2 Track

Lower Michigan Miles 5.9
Total North Country Miles 5.9

Return Walk

Sunday, February 06, 2011

North Country Trail
This was an easy road walk from Morse Lake Rd and 108th st. 108th is the border between Kent and Barry Counties. Only 3.5 miles long.

This was where I began at 108th and Morse Lake Rd.

This is a look up 108th. This is a one mile stretch that is primarily a 2 track. Mainly use in the winter by snowmobiles.

The Red sign here is indicating the Caledonia Sportsmans Club on the 2 track. Could hear gunfire coming from here during the entire walk.

Half mile after leaving the 2 track you Pass the GR Audobon Sanctuary.

Looking East down the Coldwater River, off Baker St. Grounds on the north bank maintained by Trout Unlimited.

Ending point at 100th and Baker.

Lower Michigan Miles 3.5
Total North Country Miles 3.5

Map of Return Walk